Ostim Medical Industry Cluster continues its visits to stakeholder institutions with its new managements..
Cluster Board of Directors on 20.10.2021 General Manager of State Supply Office (DMO), Mr. He visited Mücahit Özdemir. During the visit, the expectations of the medical sector manufacturers from DMO were conveyed. Studies done at the beginning and after the pandemic process, changes in the certification processes of the sector, etc. The General Manager was informed about the issues. Questions and problems regarding the DMO were raised and general consultation was held.
From the Cluster Board of Directors to the meeting; President Fatin Dağçınar, Vice President Mehmet Aydıngün, Member Banu Deniz Acar, Member Prof. Dr. Berna Dengiz, Member E.Ali Kuleoğlu and Cluster Coordinator Nilsu Bozdemir attended, while Head of Procurement Department No. V of DMO Turhan ÖZ, Head of Purchasing Department No. IV Elif ALIŞ and Head of Supplier and Customer Relations Department Ümit Cengiz UYSAL attended.